
Get ready! Summer concerts begin in less than TWO WEEKS!!!!

Join us at Town Center Park for some fantastic music every Friday in July!

Another successful Saturday Day series is in the books! A huge thank you to Taikoza: Spirit of the Tree for a wonderful performance.

Please join the Hamden Arts Commission and the Department of Arts, Culture, Recreation and Wellness to celebrate Kwanzaa on December 29th! A wonderful family event will be held at Thornton-Wilder Auditorium from 6:00 - 8:00 pm, including crafts, refreshment, and opportunities to learn more about this important holiday. We hope to see you there!

Silverbells 2022!

We’ve got some wonderful activities planned for you! Come spend a fun afternoon with us and see the Christmas tree lighting. It’s going to be a festive time!

Join us on November 5th and 6th for some great entertainment!



The Hamden Arts Commission is a cultural resource and information center, and a focal point in the community for activities in the arts. We present close to 40 programs annually, and also enthusiastically support the individuals and organizations that work to enhance the arts in our town.

The Arts Commission has been bringing quality Arts entertainment to the Town of Hamden since 1981. It is composed of 15 volunteer commissioners, each a Mayoral appointment, who are assisted by one full-time employee, and one part-time assistant, in an office in the Miller Cultural Center.

See For Yourself...

Check out this highlight reel full of some recent Hamden Arts moments 


Where are we located?

To Town Center Park at:

Meadowbrook, 2761 Dixwell Avenue and
Miller Cultural Center, 2901 Dixwell Avenue
Hamden, CT 06518

Via I-91 North & South:

  1. Take Exit 10, Route 40 Connector.

  2. Follow connector to end.

  3. Take left onto Whitney Avenue, and go south about 1.3 miles to the major intersection at Dixwell Avenue.

  4. Turn right onto Dixwell.

  5. Driveway is after the fifth building on the left.

Via Merritt Parkway (Route 15) Southbound:

  1. Take Exit 62 (Whitney Avenue).

  2. Take right onto Whitney.

  3. At second light (Dixwell Avenue), take left.

  4. Driveway is after the fifth building on the left.

Via Merritt Parkway (Route 15) Northbound:

  1. Take Exit 61 (Whitney Avenue).

  2. Take right onto Whitney.

  3. At second light (Dixwell Avenue), take left.

  4. Driveway is after the fifth building on the left.