Mimsie Coleman
Indefatigable advocate for the arts, Hamden’s Coleman conceives, develops, guides, coordinates and implements town cultural arts programs that reach thousands of residents and visitors each year. A Missouri native, she studied journalism at the University of Missouri and art history at the University of Wisconsin and Hunter College. She has edited or authored the quarterly newsletter of the Connecticut Commission on the Arts; New Haven Arts, a monthly magazine or the Arts Council of Greater New Haven, and the Hamden annual report. As a staff member or freelance writer/publicist, she has worked for the Arts Council of Greater New Haven, the New Haven Register, the New Haven Jazz Festival, the United Nations Peace Messenger Cities Conference, the Alice Washburn Celebration, the Women in Arts celebration, and the Connecticut Commission on the Arts. She has also served in advisory capacities at the Eli Whitney Museum, Paier College of Art, P.L.A.C.E., and the State of Connecticut Central Regional Tourism District. As previous Coordinator of the Hamden Arts Commission, she was responsible for planning and implementing 30-40 public events each year.